METTE MOESTRUP (MeMo) is a poet and writer. Her practice includes
translation, performance, multimedia art, collaborative works and essay writing.
She has published five poetry collections, most recently To the Most Beautiful
(English translation, 2024). Her critically acclaimed works have been translated
into several languages and she has received a number of awards, including
Montana’s Literature Prize, the Aarestrup Medal, the Beatrice Prize
and the Danish Arts Foundation's Lifetime Honorary Grant. She is also
a member of the Danish Academy. She lives in Copenhagen.
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Other writing
Photo from the instructional poem “Colorful Triangular Poems” / “Farverige trekantsdigte” by Mette Moestrup
Selected recent poems in journals and similar:
‘Colourful Triangular Poems’ in 1000 Scores (English)
Poems from To the Most Beautiful in Angel City Review (English)
Poems from To the Most Beautiful in Spoon River Poetry Review (English)
Poems from To the Most Beautiful in The Texas Review (English)
Poems from To the Most Beautiful in Mercury Firs (English)
Poem in LCB diplomatique (Danish, German and English)
‘Night Vision. Warlord. Children’ in Bokvennens Litterære Avis (Danish)
‘visions, rhythms’ in Sorg og Samfund (Danish)
‘Tears’ in Forfatternes Klimaaksjon (Norwegian and English)
‘the system tremblesr’ in Forfatternes Klimaaksjon (Danish)
Poems in the anthology Licht überm Land. Dänische Lyrik vom Mittelalter bis heute (German)
Poems in Periodico de Poesia (Spanish)
‘Planet Song’ in Center for Literature (English)
‘Cash’ and other poems in Lyrikline (German)
Selected essays and afterwords:
‘What Do You Know About Me? About Hulda Lütken’ in The Top of Denmark (Gutkind, 2023) (Danish)
‘Haunted (m)ursten / Haunted Brickwork’. Essay for catalogue Bricks (ARKEN Museum of Contemporary Art, 2023) (Danish / English)
‘Dear Sappho’. Afterword for Sappho (Gyldendal, 2021) (Danish)
Afterword or the Danish translation of Ingeborg Bachmann's Malina (Grif, 2021) (Danish)
‘Malina, Murder. Death in Ingeborg Bachmann's Writing’ in A Forest on Many Stems. Essays on the Poets Novel (Nightboat Books, 2021) (English)
‘The politics of what we do not feel’. Afterword for Tone Hødnebø’s Turning the World In on the World: Poems in Collection (Kolon Forlag, 2019) (Danish)
‘Art in a Cold Climate. Mette Moestrup on Pia Arke's Camera Obscura’ Radio essay on BBC Radio, 2015 (English)
‘My Entire Existence Is a Dark Verse’. Afterword for Forugh Farrokhzad’s Only the Voice Remains: Poetry and Biography (Gyldendal, 2013) (Danish)